pathway to wellness

Please Note: Pathway to Wellness and the Sober Support Group are currently temporarily suspended while Jack’s House of Hope is under construction. Please contact the Wellmore Centre for information about sober living and support groups on 234.801.2469
Pathway to Wellness house

Addiction Treament Program

Pathway to Wellness is a program administered by Friends of the Homeless of Tuscarawas County for the purpose of providing a safe, supervised living environment for men who are receiving outpatient treatment for drug and alcohol abuse. The living quarters are housed at 119 2nd St. NE, in New Philadelphia, Ohio. The program is limited in size to five men at the present time.

The Recovery Home will provide a safe, alcohol and drug free environment in which the men can live for as long as necessary for up to 18 months. The program is under the leadership of the Director of the Homeless Shelter who holds a Master’s degree in Counseling and Human Development and who has over twenty years of professional experience in the field of social work, mental health counseling, addiction counseling and corrections.

If interested in the Pathway to Wellness program, please contact the Program Coordinator at 330.663.6317 or 330.602.6100

Services Provided

by Friends of the Homeless of Tuscarawas County

(*some services based on availability)

The mission of the Friends of the Homeless of Tuscarawas County is to assist families and individuals in a faith-based environment to achieve stability, sobriety and permanent housing.  We strive to provide them with the tools and services they need to find and retain employment and stable housing.  We do this through support and education, including many of the services listed here.