Hats for Hope
This Friday school children all around Tuscarawas County will participate in Hats for Hope.
Have No Place to Go?
Call Us: 330-602-6100
by Friends of the Homeless of Tuscarawas County
(*some services based on availability)
The mission of the Friends of the Homeless of Tuscarawas County is to assist families and individuals in a faith-based environment to achieve stability, sobriety and permanent housing. We strive to provide them with the tools and services they need to find and retain employment and stable housing. We do this through support and education, including many of the services listed here.
This Friday school children all around Tuscarawas County will participate in Hats for Hope.
The Friends of the Homeless of Tuscarawas County conducted a ceremonial groundbreaking ceremony Thursday, May 16 to officially release plans for “Jack’s House of Hope” to be constructed immediately behind the current shelter for the unhoused at 211 East High Avenue in New Philadelphia.
To coincide with construction of Jack’s House of Hope, the Friends of the Homeless is introducing a new logo to honor founder Jack Ream and reflect the organization’s mission to assist families and individuals in a faith-based environment to achieve stability, sobriety, and permanent housing.
Friends of the Homeless of Tuscarawas County was established in response to one of the least talked about problems faced by many individuals and families in the area- homelessness.
211 East High Avenue
New Philadelphia, OH 44663
Mailing Address:
PO Box 466
New Philadelphia, OH 44663
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 330-602-6100